Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College has constituted a College Council as per the guidelines of Central Council of Homoeopathy under the Chairmanship of Principal to formulate, implement, and review academic related activities as per the vision and mission of the institution. The College Council is the chief decision making body and it is advisory in nature. The college council is the major committee of the institution for making, important decisions on curricular, co-curricular activities. The College Council shall meet at least four times in an academic year to draw up the details of curriculum and training programme, enforcement of discipline and other academic matters. The Council shall also organize inter-departmental meetings including periodical review .
College Council Committee Members
Sl. No |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. N. V. Sugathan |
Principal, SKHMC-Chairman |
2. |
Dr .Zion Natharaj P.S. |
H.o.D, Anatomy (U.G.)-Member |
3. |
Dr. Sreeja S. |
H.o.D, Pharmacy(U.G.)- Member |
4. |
Dr.Reshmy K.R. |
H.o.D, Physiology(U.G.)- Member |
5. |
Dr.Murugan M. |
H.o.D.,Organon (UG/PG)-Member |
6. |
Dr.C.R.Krishna Kumari Amma |
H.o.D.,Materia Medica (UG/PG)-Member & U. G. Coordinator- Permanent Invitee |
7. |
Dr.Gopika R.S. |
H.o.D, Pathology (U.G.)- Member |
8. |
Dr. Salini Chandran |
H.o.D, Forensic Medicine (U.G.)- Member |
9. |
Dr. T. Ajayan |
H.o.D.,Practice of Medicine (UG/PG)- Member |
10. |
Dr. Lal M.P. |
H.o.D., Surgery (U.G.)-Member |
11. |
Dr. Shanthi Serene Sylum V. |
H.o.D., OBG (U.G.)-Member |
12. |
Dr. Ajith Kumar M.V. |
H.o.D., Community Medicine (U.G.)- Member |
13. |
Dr. Sathish Kumar V. |
H.o.D., Repertory (U.G.)-Member & Research Co-ordinator-Permanent Invitee |
14. |
Dr.Sisir P.R. |
H.o.D.,Paediatrics P.G.-Member& Co-Curicular Coordinator- Permanent Invitee |
15. |
Dr.C.K.Mohan |
Chairman, SKHMC-Permanent invitee |
16. |
Dr.RaviM.Nair |
Advisor, SKHMC-Permanent Invitee |
17. |
Dr. Winston Vargheese |
P. G. Co-ordinator-Permanent Invitee |
18. |
Dr.Suman Sankar A.S. |
Co-ordinator IQAC- Permanent Invitee |
There is an Academic Committee under the chairmanship of the Principal with HoDs of all teaching department, P.G. Coordinator ,U.G. Coordinator and Academic Coordinators to monitor from time to time the smooth goings –on of academic activities/training as per the plan and programme laid down by the College Council. The responsibility of ensuring the implementation of all academic programmes as per plan/timetable is vested up on the HoDs concerned. The HoDs should make regular reviews every month and should submit their reports to the Principal before 5 th of every succeeding month.It is the responsibility of the P.G.Coordinator,U.G. Coordinator,Deputy Medical Superintendent and Academic Coordinators to coordinate all the academic activities /training of courses in consultation with HoDs concerned in respect of them.
Academic and Curriculum Committee Members
Chairperson Co-ordinator Members |
- - - |
Dr.N.V.Sugathan (Principal) Dr.C.R.Krishna Kumari Amma(UG Co-ordinator & HoD, Dept of Materia Medica) Dr. M.Murugan (Senior faculty & HoD, Dept of Organon of Medicine) Dr. Zion Natharaj.P.S (HoD, Dept of Anatomy & Academic Co- ordinator, I BHMS) Dr. WinstonVargheese(PG Co-ordinator & Academic Co-ordinator, II BHMS) Dr. Mini.S.K (HoD, Dept of Physiology) Dr. Sreeja.S (HoD ,Dept of Pharmacy) Dr. Gopika.R.S (HoD, Dept of Pathology & Microbiology) Dr. Salini Chandran (HoD, Dept of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology) Dr. Lal M.P. (HoD, Dept of Surgery) Dr. Shanthi Serene Sylum (HoD, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Dr. Sathish Kumar.V (HoD, Dept of Repertory) Dr. Ajith Kumar.M.V (HoD, Dept of Community Medicine) Dr. P.R.Sisir (Co-curricular Co-ordinator & HoD, Dept of Paediatrics & Academic Co-ordinator, III BHMS) Dr.T.Ajayan (HoD, Dept of Practice of Medicine & Academic Co- ordinator,IV BHMS) Dr. Jaya Kumar.T.K (Professor, Dept of Paediatrics) Dr. Sonny Mon.R (Assistant Academic Co-ordinator, I BHMS) Dr. Bindhusaran.R Assistant Academic Co-ordinator, II BHMS) Dr. Sathish.M Nair (Assistant Academic Co-ordinator, III BHMS) Dr. Hari Sankar.V(Assistant Academic Co-ordinator, IV BHMS) |
Disciplinary committee is constituted in order to maintain a conducive environment for learning within the organization by adhering the rules and regulations of the institution. As the head, Principal has the authority to co-opt any official of the college in the disciplinary committee if necessity arises. The Committee has the right for conducting enquiries and to initiate disciplinary action against the derelicted student / staff and to inflict deserving punishment as is deemed fit.
Disciplinary& Vigilance Committee Members
Chairperson Co-ordinator Members |
- - - |
Dr.N.V Sugathan (Principal) Dr.Winston Vargheese (P.G. Co-ordinator & Academic Co-ordinator, II BHMS) Dr.M.Murugan (HoD, Dept of Organon of Medicine) Dr.C.R.Krishna Kumari Amma.(U.G.Co-ordinator & HoD, Dept of Materia Medica) Dr.Mini.S.K (HoD, Dept of Physiology) Dr. Sreeja.S (HoD, Dept of Pharmacy) Dr.Gopika.R.S (HoD, Dept of Pathology & Microbiology) Dr.Salini Chandran (HoD, Dept of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology) Dr. Lal. M.P. (HoD, Dept of Surgery) Dr. Shanthi Serene Sylum (HoD, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Dr.Sathish Kumar.V(HoD, Dept of Repertory) Dr.Ajith Kumar.M.V (HoD, Dept of Community Medicine) Dr.Zion Natharaj.P.S (HoD, Dept of Anatomy & Academic Co-ordinator, I BHMS) Dr.P.R.Sisir (Co-curricular Co-ordinator & HoD, Dept of Paediatrics &Academic Co-ordinator, III BHMS) Dr.T.Ajayan(HoD, Dept of Practice of Medicine & Academic Co-ordinator, IV BHMS) Dr.Sonny Mon.R (Assistant Academic Co-ordinator I BHMS & NSS programme officer) Dr.Bindhusaran.R (Assistant Academic Co-ordinator II BHMS) Dr. Sathish.M Nair (Assistant Academic Co-ordinator III BHMS) Dr.Hari Sankar.V(Assistant Academic Co-ordinator IV BHMS) Dr.Jaya Kumar.T.K (Academic Co-ordinator & Staff warden- Gents Hostel) Dr.Girija.L (Staff Warden Ladies Hostel) Mr.V Sundaresan Nair,Office Manager Smt.Bhavani Amma (Assisstant Warden Ladies Hostel) Sri.Mohanan.S (Assisstant Warden Gents Hostel) |
Antiragging Committee is constituted in the institution with the aim of ensuring ragging free campus. The course is apply with the regulations of UGC and directives of Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University. It conducts regular interaction and counseling with the students for detecting early signs of ragging and identification of trouble-triggers. The committee members conduct surprise inspection in hostels, canteens, rest cum recreational rooms and take relevant measures which would auger well in preventing ragging. It organises antiragging workshops, seminars and other creative avenues thereby spread the idea .The committee is headed by the head of institution and had representation of civil and police administration, NGOs, representatives of faculty members, representatives of local media ,parents, students belong to fresher categories and senior students ,non teaching staff and shall have a diverse mix of membership in terms of levels as well as genders. It is the duty of Antiragging Committee to nominate an antiragging squad and to conduct enquiry into any incidence submit report to the head of institution for further action.
Antiragging Committee Members:
Chairperson Co-ordinator
Members |
- -
- |
Dr. N.V. Sugathan (Principal) Dr. Winston Vargheese (PG Co-ordinator, Academic Coordinator, II BHMS ) Dr. Zion Natharaj P.S. (H.o.D ,Dept of Anatomy, Academic Coordinator, I BHMS) Dr. P.R. Sisir (H.o.D., Dept of Paediatrics, Academic Coordinator, III BHMS) Dr. Ajayan. T (H.o.D, Dept of Practice of Medicine, Academic Coordinator , IV BHMS) Dr. L. Girija (Associate Professor, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Staff Warden Ladies Hostel ) Dr. Jaya Kumar .T.K., (Professor, Dept of Paediatrics, Staff warden Gents Hostel) Mr. Sindhu Kuma r(Revenue Dept) Mr. Selvaraj (Police Dept) Mr. Lazer (Local Media) Mr. Sasi Kumar (NGO) Mr.V. Srisudhan (Parent) Krishna Priya Das (Jr. Student) Tejas Vikas (Sr.Student) |
For the promotion of research culture in the campus, the institution has framed Research and Development
The Committee organizes workshops, scientific seminars and interactive sessions and thus develop research aptitude among staffs and students and motivates them to carry out/continue systematic clinical and fundamental research such as drug proving and drug development .Develops research strategies with ethical contest, develop systematic medical protocol in Homeopathy.
Research and Development Committee Members:
Chairperson Coordinator Members |
- - - |
Dr. N.V. Sugathan, Principal Dr. Chandraja. C.V, Research Officer / Secretary
Dr. Eswara Das, Research Co-ordinator Dr. B.Krishna Prasad, Chairman, Ethical Committee Dr. M.Murugan Professor &H.o.D,Dept of Organon of medicine Dr. Winston Vargheese, Professor ,Dept of Materia Medica & PG Co-ordinator, Dr. Sisir.P.R., Prof &H.o.D. Dept of Paediatrics Dr. Krishna KumariAmma.C.R., Professor Dept of Materia Medica & UG Co-ordinator, Dr. Ajayan.T.,Professor &H.o.D, Practice of Medicine Dr. SathishKumar.V, Professor & H.o.D. Repertory Dr. SumanSankar.A.S., Prof &IQAC, Co-ordinator Dr. ManojNarayan.V, Professor, Department of Organon of medicine Student Representatives: Dr. Kavya Ajay, PG Student Ms. Soorya Devi , UG Student |
The students of the College are from different parts of Southern India with different customs, culture and habits. These students who are under one roof for learning may face difficulties in adjustment. The complaints and suggestions of the students are properly addressed to the Grievance Redressal Cell either directly or indirectly through complaint/Suggestion boxes placed at crucial locations. The grievance reported are analysed, root cause is identified and is effectively redressed through appropriate action. The College also assures that the grievances of the students are treated with confidentiality. The committee conducts meeting periodically and redress the grievances .
Grievance Redressal Cell Committee Members
Chairperson Co-ordinator Members |
- - - |
Dr. N.V Sugathan, Principal Dr. C.R.Krishna Kumari Amma.(U.G Co-ordinator) Dr. Bindhusaran.R., Assistant Academic Co-ordinator(II BHMS) Dr. ManojNarayan.V, Professor,Dept Of Organon Dr. ReshmaReghu, Assistant Professor,Dept Of Community Medicine Student Representatives : Dr. Anjitha S P , PG Student Mr. Ibrahim, UG Student |
This cell looks after the welfare of Women employees / female students by sensitizing all issues related to Women to make the College campus a safe place for ladies of the College.It conducts various gender equality and awareness programmes regarding Women’s welfare like awareness on female foeticide, legal rights, educating a girl child, empowering them to overcome various obstacles. The Cell conducts essay competitions, Drawing and Painting competition, Elocution, etc, to reveal their talents.
Womens’ Welfare Cell Members:
Chairperson Co-ordinator Members |
- - - |
Dr. N.V Sugathan, Principal Dr. C.R. Krishna Kumari Amma.(U.G Co-ordinator) Dr. Shanthi Serene Sylum.V, HoD, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr. Mini.S.K, H.o.D. Dept of Physiology Dr.Ezhilarasi.T., Associate Professor, Dept of Community Medicine Dr.Salini Chandran., HoD, Dept of Forensic Medicine Dr.Berlina Terrance Mary.D., Assistant Professor, Dept Of Anatomy Mrs.K.Veena Krishnan., Assistant Mrs.V.R.Sreedevi., Junior Assistant Student Representatives: Dr. Senthamil Selvi, PG Student Ms. Aruneswari, UG Student |
The Cell has been formed to uphold Women’s right to protect against Sexual harassment, to develop a mechanism for prevention, prohibition and redressal of Sexual Harrassment against Women in compliance with the provisions of the Sexual Harrassment in work places – Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act 2013. This cell conducts awareness programmes regularly for students and staffs.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Cell Members:
Chairperson Co-ordinator Members |
- - - |
Dr. N.V Sugathan, Principal Dr. Salini Chandran (HoD, Dept of Forensic Medicine) Dr. Shanthi Serene Sylum.V,H.o.D, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr. Girija. L, Associate Professor, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Student Representatives: Dr. Hari Priya, PG Student Ms. Siyona Babu, UG Student |
An I.E.C. was formed in the college on 16th September 2014 in conformity with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Guidelines for upholding ethical principle in the research activities . It has been registered by the Drugs controller General (India), Central Drugs Standard control organization under Rules 122 D.D. vide Registration No.ECR/939/Inst/TN/2017 to be effective from 11.05.2017 with the following composition.
Institutional Ethical Committee Members
Chairperson Chairman Secretary Members |
- - - |
Dr. N.V.Sugathan (Principal) Dr. B.Krishna Prasad Dr. Chandraja.C.V
The SC-ST/MBC & OBC cell has been set up in the College to resolve all the affairs and problems related to the SC-ST/MBC/OBC students and it plays a key role in taking appropriate follow up measures for the obstacles. All affairs such as creating awareness, laying down the targets by the Government of India, various scholarship programs of both State and Central Governments and taking appropriate follow up measures for achieving the objectives furnished below. The Convenership of this cell has been entrusted to Dr. Winston Vargheese, Prof., Department of Materia Medica. The main objectives of the cell includes collection of reports and information of State Government orders on various aspects of education, employment of SC-ST/MBC/OBC students, circulating State and Central Governments and UGC decisions about different scholarship programs and communicating with the students and motivate them for better future planning.
SC/ST/MBC/OBC Cell Committee Members:
Chairperson Co-ordinator Members |
- - - |
Dr.N.V Sugathan (Principal) Dr.Winston Vargheese ( PG Co-ordinator,Academic coordinator, II BHMS) S.A Subha (Office staff) C. Vasantha (Hospital Lab Staff) P. Vijaya (Attender) Mr. Bageerathan. T, UG student |
Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College has constituted the Anti Discrimination Cell in compliance to the UGC Regulations, 2012 of Promotion of Equity in Higher Educational Institutions with Principal and Chairman of the college as the Chairman of the committee. A faculty nominated by the Principal is the secretary of the committee, with the members from different sections of the college. The College provides every individual in the campus with equal opportunity irrespective of caste, creed, religion, language, based on gender, ethnicity and disability. The cell provides measures to compact discrimination by protecting the students from all forms of discrimination and promote equal rights and opportunities thereby providing a suitable and educational environment in the campus.
Equal Opportunity/Anti Discrimination Cell Members:
Chairperson Coordinator Members: |
- - - |
Dr. N.V. Sugathan, Principal Dr. Reshmy.K.R ., Associate Professor, Dept of Physiology Dr. Krishna Kumari Amma .C.R., UG Coordinator Mrs. Morrinsenika, X-ray technician Mr. Shaju .A, Driver Mr. Ebenezer mony., Security Mrs. C .Suseela., Attender Miss.Prabhavathi- UG student |
Minority Cell is committed to provide an environment that support unity and respects everyone regardless of religious belief , cultures, colour, and also commits to ensuring protection of everyone including minorities and acting as per the provisions of constitution of India in such matters. The Cell ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure, it empowers the faculty and students belong to minority and other backward communities .The Cell handles the issues and short and long-term needs of the minorities .
Minority Cell Members:
Chairperson Coordinator Members: |
- - - |
Dr. N.V Sugathan, Principal Dr. Winston Vargheese., PG coordinator Dr. Sowmya. R.S.G, Assistant Professor, Dept of Repertory Dr. AathiraV.Nair, Assistant Professor, Dept of Pharmacy Dr. Sherin Sheeba, Medical officer Mrs. Jeniba., Dispensing staff Student Representatives: Mr. Nigel.R.S, UG student Ms. Aathirai.S, UG student |