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The Chairman of the K.V. Education Trust and Former Principal & Medical Superintendent of the College and Collegiate Hospital respectively.

Details of the Chairman

Name: Dr. C. K. Mohan

Age: 65 yrs.

Qualifications: B.Sc., D.H.M.S., M.A., M.D.(Hom.)

Tamil Nadu Homoeopathic Medical Council Reg. No.: 825

Official Posts accomplished: 1. The Principal & Medical Superintendent of the Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College for 18 yrs. (2000 to 2018)

2. Professor, P.G. & Ph.D. Guide – Dept. of Paediatrics

3. Unit Head in SKHMC Hospital (Unit VI)

Contact details:

Address: Ananda Bhavan, Cheruppaloor P.O., Kulasekharam P.O. – 629 161, Kanniyakumari Dist., Tamil Nadu.

Phone Nos.: Mobile: 9443379448 Land: 04651 - 279448

Email i.d.: ckmohan207@gmail.com

Homoeopathic is a specialised method of drug therapy of curing natural diseases by administration of drugs which have been experimentally proved to possess the power of producing similar artificial symptoms on healthy human beings. .

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