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About the Department

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology was established in 2003 as a Clinical based subject in Homoeopathic Curriculum for UG students. We train Homoeopathic students on special clinical methods of investigation for diagnosing local conditions and individualising cases, the surgical intervention either as a life saving measure for removing mechanical obstacles if necessary as well as their management by using homoeopathic medicines and other auxiliary methods of treatment, make them competent Homoeopath with adequate knowledge & skill and also make referrals of patients if needed. Obstetrics and Gynaecology emphasise that prenatal and antenatal periods are the best time to eradicate genetic dyscrasias in women. The students shall also be taught in the care of new born. Since mother and child are considered to be a single biological unit and hence students are motivated to identify the physiological relationship persisting among them. The department is well equipped with necessary infrastructure and experienced faculty.

Salient Features

  • Mannequins for Skill Development in Ante Natal Care, Intra Natal Care and New born Resuscitation in the Demonstration Room.
  • Adequate Gynaecological & Obstetrical instruments for teaching demonstration.
  • Museum with variety of Specimens, Charts, and Models.
  • Laminated Pictures and Photographs of Pioneers in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
  • Adequate ICT infrastructure
  • Periodical Journal Reviewing & Discussion (Latest trends).
  • E book collection for research and reference.
  • Compendium of writings of various authors related to most of the topic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for related reference.
  • Community awareness camps as a part of National campaign on Homoeopathy for Mother and child.
  • Providing tie up arrangement with Govt. Medical College Asaripallam and Government Head Quarters Hospital Padmanabhapuram, Kanniyakumari (Dist) for clinical training of UG students, also tie up with Benzam hospital for clinical training for interns in the subject.

Services Provided

  • Public awareness Campaigns for health issues of females, pregnancy & child birth.
  • Screening camps for malignancies of Cervix and Breast.
  • Free medical Camps
  • Observation of days like International Women’s day, Breast feeding week.

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