the Department
Though Practice of Medicine is based on
the modern medicine, Homoeopathy makes a deviation from that, It treats
the patient as a whole by assessing an individual’s genetic predisposition of
developing various diseases relying upon the psychosomatic approach thus aiming
at personalized medication. It therefore imperatively pre-supposes to know the
Man in both health and disease. Hence a study on applied Anatomy including
Developmental Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry along with their parameters
relating to various systems and special senses embracing Psychology and Ecology
to assess the state of health and diseases should be undertaken. By keeping
this in mind, every disease should be studied so as to understand it in
relation to aetiology and pathogenesis, considering both Internal (fundamental
cause i.e. Psora, Syphills, Sycosis) and External Causes (Exciting and
Maintaining), its Pathology, Clinical Features through Physical Examination and
Investigations, complications, Differential Diagnosis and its management
including Miasmatic Analysis and Homoeopathic Management , General Management.
Practice of medicine department in
Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic medical college was established on 2002. In order
to provide competent and qualified faculty, we offer post graduate programme in
Practice of medicine from 2010 onwards. we have also started PhD programme in
Practice of medicine from 2018 onwards.
under Practice of Medicine:
a. Geriatric
b. Preventive
Salient Features
· The department conducts academic activities for
under graduate, Postgraduates and PhD candidates.
· The department is facilitated for providing
Clinical, Research training (clinical Cases skill development Program) &
Skill Lab Training for interns.
· Every day there will be a morning teaching
session for the undergraduates, in wards there will be bedside clinics and case
discussion daily. In IP Days, Philosophical Case discussions are conducted for
the undergraduates. On every OP days, there will be one hour Skill Lab Training
for Final BHMS who are posted in 3. B Medical unit.
· In IP day there will be a morning
teaching/Learning session for the Postgraduates, in wards ( To name a few are
Short Case discussion, Long Case discussion, Bed side - Live Case discussions,
Guest Faculty Clinical Case Presentation & Discussions, Short Remedy
discussions), Journal discussions, Book review, discussion on Lab Investigation,
Website Review, Instrument Demonstrations, Skill Lab Training .
· Conducting the training programmes by faculty
of Department of Practice of Medicine as part of faculty development, Social
& Community outreach programs.
· Conducting Sub-speciality programs in a
holistic way, incorporated with Physiotherapy, Dietitian, occupation therapy, Yoga
& Meditation.
Well qualified and experienced
faculties of Department will be taking the class by Didactic
Lectures, Power Point Presentations, Experiential Learning, Project Based
Learning, Patient –centric and Evidence based learning, Participatory learning,
Integrated/interdisciplinary learning, Role play, Problem solving methods, self-directed
Learning, PASS.
Other Features
Log Book:
of Practice of Medicine is maintaining Department Student Log Book for the
final year students as well as the post graduate students for recording and
evaluating their works and overall assessment. Introduced on 2017
Forum for Interactive Learning (FIL):
FIL is
a weekly one day program has a unique role in the enrichment of theoretical and
practical skill in the field of medicine for the students. The classes are
organized for the final BHMS students and PG scholars as a part of Self
Directed Learning. Students can regain their knowledge in various signs &
syndromes, about normal values, Medical Website, Book and Journal Review. Program
was implemented on 2008.
Enhancement for Early Diagnosis (SEED):
SEED is a weekly
two days bed side program aimed to develop skills in Physical Examination,
Provisional Diagnosis & Differential Diagnosis for Final BHMS Students and
Post Graduates. Classes are arranged in ward. In Differential Diagnosis class an IP case was
given to each group of students and asked to work out provisional diagnosis,
differential diagnosis, systemic examinations and their significant findings
along with needful special investigations. Physical Examination classes, emphasizes patient
interviewing, acquiring a medical data base, and performing a comprehensive
physical examination in the cases provided to each group.
Classes are
monitored by the faculties of Dept. of PM and discussions were under guidance
of Post Graduate Students. Program was implemented on
Activities for Student’s Skill (PASS):
It is a weekly one
day program, adapted a new method of learning program, aimed for Learning diseases - symptoms, Signs & Syndromes,
Homoeopathic Medicines & Physical examination through individual student or
group of Students who are skilled in various Cultural, Literature, Sports,
Physical Activities, Programmed Patients and Other Individual Skills. Program was implemented on 2019.
Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE):
A form of
performance-based testing used to measure students’ clinical competence. During an OSCE, candidates are observed and
evaluated as they go through a series of stations in which they interview,
examine, treat standardized patients (SP) or Programmed Patients who present
with some type of medical problem.
Lab Utilization.
Department of
practice of medicine utilize the simulation, Mannequins based training for
undergraduate, Interns, Post Graduate, PhD candidates from Skill Development
Centre For Communication & Clinical Practice Lab of SKHMC.
One day quiz
programme conducted by the department incorporating curriculum, various
programs such as FIL, SEED, PASS and Role Play. This programme is exclusively
for Final BHMS. Program was implemented on 2008.
Litero Cultural Club & Museum.
of Practice of Medicine started Litero Cultural Club in 2016, aimed to develop,
give opportunity and a platform to exhibits students’ literature and cultural
activities along with academic performance.
Under Litero
cultural Club, Department of Practice of Medicine conducting an Award
ceremony for Excellence provide annual recognition to outstanding contributions
in the SKHMC community and the department. One Category of award is to
recognize the academic achievements of its students in the form of several
academic excellence awards. These academic excellence awards are given at the
end of each academic year based on the performance of the student in the
previous academic year. Department encourage excellence in academics as well as
cultural, sports and club activities. Department also appreciate positive behaviour,
leadership, Research, Publications & community service.
comprises with well-established Museum with Collection of sophisticated equipments
and instruments.
& The Archive.
handwritten Journal of Dept. of Medicine published by the Post Graduate
students including articles of Faculties, Department Alumini, Interns,
experiences and opinion of patients.. THE ARCHIVE – A fortnight medical news magazine published by
Final years with latest medical news.
Exhibition wing:
have a exhibition wing, consist of
normal to pathological variants, original specimen of diseases,
animation and videos, medical illustrations and posters, virtual and augmented
reality shows, Prototypes and Models available at our
B.L.S (Basic Life Support) Training.
BLS workshops as that the BLS Instructor-led course teaches both
single rescuer and team basic life support skills for application in both
pre hospital and in- facility environments, with a focus on High-Quality
CPR and team dynamics.
Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU )
a. SAHYA – School of Artistic Homoeopathy For
Youngsters And Adults
b. IFSD- India Forum for sustainable development.
School Health Programs, Awareness Classes & Medical Camps.
· Department
is Conducting monthly School Health Program at N.M Vidya Kendra School,
· Medical
camps are conducted regularly by department of Practice of Medicine in association with various NGO’s (
Sevabharathy, Malar) / Organisations like TNSF, IFSD, TNSPA.
· General
Medical camps are also conducted at various remote areas where there are no
medical facilities provided for public.
· Free
Medical check up camps are also conducted on health days like World heart day, cancer day, Diabetic
Day at hospital.
· Medical
awareness programs are also conducted frequently.
C.M.E Programme
Department of practice of medicine conducting CME Program for the professional
development of the Homoeopaths.