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Preventive Cardiology - Speciality Clinic
Department of Practice of Medicine Speciality Clinic - Preventive Cardiology The Department of Practice of Medicine, had conducted a medical camp and awareness programme as a part of the inauguration of a new OP, “PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY” on 20-3-2019, Wednesday. 40 members of the State Pensioners Association were the participants of the programme. Registration & screening started by about 8:30 am in which the participants were screened for cardiac complaints and were subjected to basic investigations including ECG & X-ray. The inaugural session started by 11 am. The speciality programme was inaugurated by Chairman Dr. C. K. Mohan. Presidential address was delivered by Principal Dr. N. V.Sugathan. The gathering was welcomed by Dr. T. Ajayan, Prof. & Head, Dept of Practice of Medicine. The programme continued with the felicitation addresses of Dr. Winston Varghese, PG Co-ordinator; Dr. V. Sathish Kumar, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Repertory; Dr. P. R. Sisir, Prof. & Head, Dept. Of Paediatrics; Mr.Alphonse, President, Pensioners association, Thuckalay. Inaugural session was followed by briefing to the participants about various topics including Introduction to Speciaity Clinic, “PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY” and its mode of functioning, by Dr. T. Ajayan and the speciality OP was decided to function on every Fridays. The participants were given awareness regarding Diet & Regimen by Dr. Saju, Diet & Clinical Nutritionalist, Importance of Yoga, by Yoga Instructor, Mr. Krishnankutty and Physiotherapist Mr. Anoop Chandra, detailed about physiotherapy techniques to be followed by a cardiology patient. The afternoon session started with stations and group discussions, followed by evaluation & assessment of screening test, in which the participants were grouped into three : Primodial, Primary & Secondary groups and were given treatment directions. The participants were also provided with H-reviver. The whole day program was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Dr. K. Selvaraj, PG Scholar, Dept of Practice of Medicine followed by National Anthem. FUNCTIONING OF THE SPECIALITY OP • Day: Friday; Time: 8:30 am to 1 pm • Physician: Dr. T. Ajayan • Contact no: 04651 280348, 9445876548