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SKHMC has made every effort to ensure perfect ambience to facilitate smooth and uninterrupted delivery of lectures. There are 5 fully equipped lecture halls with a capacity of 100 students each. All the class rooms have been designed to take full advantage of ICT that makes the teaching more effective with the help of overhead LCD Projectors. Virtual learning facilities are provided to make curriculum more dynamic and effective.

ICT enabled Lecture Halls


The laboratories for Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Pathology are equipped with the necessary and modern lab facilities. The equipment and materials meet all requirements of the students for their practical classes and trainings.The labs have designated to be enough for 50 students at a time.

A computer lab in Repertory department facilitates students to understand and practice the art of repertorization. Besides this the institution has a Pharmacognosy lab and a Central research lab exclusively for research purpose.

Central research Lab


Museum and demonstration rooms for each department is available with necessary infrastructure as per the university norms. The specimens & models displayed in museum facilitates the students for self-learning.Demonstration rooms working as virtual learning system allow the students to practice and perfect their skill prior to patient interaction.

Pathology Museum

Community medicine


This hall with an area of 336.24 sqm and a capacity of about 500 persons and a stage capacity of 15 is used for holding seminars and examinations. Also large number of co-curricular activities like celebration of festivals, important days, national functions and college functions are hosted with great fervor and gaiety in this hall. It is well equipped with LCD projectors, Sound system and Wi-Fi facility. An examination hall and an auditorium each of about 600sqm is under construction and soon to be inaugurated.


ICT Enabled Classroooms


The laboratories which include many branches of medicine such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Pathology are equipped with the necessary and modern facilities. The equipments and materials meet all requirements of the students for their practical classes and trainings .The labs have designated to be enough for 50 students at a time. All the departments have a demonstration room which allows students to practice and perfect their skills prior to patient interaction. They act as virtual learning centers.

100 bedded NABH accredited collegiate hospital of 34770 sqm with OPD,IPD,specilityclinics,NABL accredited lab, where the students are posted in rotation for clinical training. Clinical discussionsare held on IP days to discuss cases with an objective of making decisions regarding care with patients.Theskills lab attached to the hospital provided with centralized clinical and communication skills laboratory. The infrastructure including models, mannequins and ICT facility that are available in the clinical and communication skills lab are designed to provide learners with the ideal settings to practice the clinical skills of history taking, physical examination, procedures, communications, and interpersonal skills. Besides this the instituition has tie up facility with other hospitals for advanced clinical learning and training.


The institution focus on educating outstanding physicians for practice in community settings. Therefore students are exposed to various community based teaching learning activities such as Rural health Programmes,Health Survey,School health programme,Anganvadi Health programme,Preventive camps,Medical camps etc. There are 27 rural health centers where an average of two UG students and two PG students are posted in rotation for every month in each center.Health survey is conducted as per the teaching programme of the final BHMS course under the Dept.of Community medicine. Interns and PG students used to visit nearby Anganvadies under the guidance of a faculty in the Community medicine department periodically. Whenever there is an epidemic outbreak the epidemic cell in the institution including a team of medical officers ,interns and PG students reach the place and find the ‘genus epidemicus’ followed by distribution of prophylactic  medicine by conducting preventive camps. The institution also frequently conducts medical camps throughout Kanyakumari district where the students take part.


Teleconferencing puts students in touch with the classroom from anywhere, and allows colleges to expand globally at much less cost.The institution has teleconference facility in the skill lab whichincludes a webcam, microphone and speaker.


Library being heart of the institution fulfils the information requirements of the user community consisting of students, interns, members of the faculty, medical practitioners and supporting staff.The day-to-day house-keeping operation of the library is being automated using Integrated Library Management Software namely Koha,version 15.04,installed in Linux based operating system, with barcode facility.Online public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facility is available in the library and the same is extended to the campus through LAN.Along with KOHA, institutional repository software DSpace is installed and the contents are accessible throughout the campus. As a added feature of Koha, E-gate facility to monitor library access behaviour of users on daily basis is followed in the central library.