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The Convocation Ceremony was conducted in a grand manner on 4th Nov. 2017(Saturday) in the College Auditorium. The Chief Guest was Hon'ble Vice Cancellor of the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical Uty Dr. GEETHALAKSHMI, M. D. ,Ph. D. The doctors got the unique opportunity to receive the Degree Certificates from the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Dr. C. K. Mohan, Principal,spread the light of Wisdom by lighting the candle held by the graduates and post graduates. Dr. Ravi M. Nair, Advisor, administered the Hahnemanninan Oath. Dr. K. R. J. Nair(CIRH, Kottayam) blessed the budding doctors.

Homoeopathic is a specialised method of drug therapy of curing natural diseases by administration of drugs which have been experimentally proved to possess the power of producing similar artificial symptoms on healthy human beings. .

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