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  • To mould a general Homoeopathic physician competent to take cases, diagnose disease and patient as to understand it in relation to etiology and pathogenesis, considering both internal (fundamental cause, i.e., miasm) and external causes (exciting and maintaining),its pathology, clinical features through physical examination and investigations, differential diagnosis along with miasmatic analysis leading to selection of medicine and potency besides general management including diet and regimen in Homoeopathy 
  • To produce masters in the subject simultaneously pursuing specialized studies in medicine. 
  • To develop research/ studies on ‘predictive and personalized medicine’ as envisaged in the ‘Theory of miasm’ which need to be simplified through recourse to modern scientific technologies, i.e., systems biology and genomics.




  • To emphasize developing skills to perceive the true picture of the disease through unprejudiced observation in order to individualize each patient. 
  • Case oriented methods of study are adapted so as to facilitate integration of various disciplines in the practice of Homoeopathy. 
  • Bed side clinics are organized in small groups of not more than 10 students with  a view to improving his skills and competence in handling patient. 
  • To develop clinical clerkship with a view to giving experience in all parts of the  hospital settings for learning by viewing, doing and recording.


